Movie Shoot

There’s a movie shoot in my neighborhood, nothing new, but it seems like a much bigger deal than usual. Usually they slap a few signs up on some trees and street lights, letting you know in advance that it’s happening, but there was a sign inside my building, which went into more detail about the shoot. Which they said was tomorrow.

But when I went to get a new cable box (more on that later) there was movie activity all over the freaking place. Blocks and blocks and blocks of trucks. A pack of paparazzi went charging past me, chasing someone, but I was lugging a cablebox and I wasn’t in the mood to see who.

The movie is called Wanderlust. I googled it. It’s an Apatow movie starring Jennifer Anniston and Paul Rudd. Anyway, I thought the shoot was tomorrow. I took a picture of some fake babies in a stroller, which were part of what they were shooting.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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6 thoughts on “Movie Shoot

  1. I’m not really blase, movie shoots are fun. Except in reality sometimes they’re not. Sometimes the crew is rude and you can’t walk where you need to walk and they’re being rude about it, and you don’t get the compensation of getting to see anything fun.

    And yesterday I was feeling stressed that I had to spend the day fixing my cable problem when I was so behind in my writing.

  2. I could never be blase about Paul Rudd either! I’d be the loser camping out in your neighborhood to get a glimpse of him. Sad but true. I just think he’s hilarious. Although the plastic babies were a bit unnerving.
    And I can totally understand being stressed about your cable box. Ridiculous–I hope TW gets its act together soonish and provides better customer service for you.

  3. 3 years ago I was walking past a movie shoot near my office on 125th St, and this guy gets in my face and asks me if I want to be an extra for an afternoon! Talk about fantasy come true! So (after begging for the afternoon of successfully) I spent several hours in close quarters with Frank Langella and Laura Harring, watching them work. I was 5 feet away from them. Sadly they reshot the sequence in another venue. I never got paid (grrrumble) but I got a SAG Extra voucher. 2 more and I can join the union. Whoo pee doo.
    Yeah, movie shoots are always fun to gawk at.

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