– A bunch of people suggested setting up a separate site for my new History for Hire business, so I did. Now I actually have to promote the thing and try to get clients. (If you click on the History for Hire link above you’ll see the new site and a quick story about my grandfather.)
– Dating. UGH. Spring is here and I thought, it would be nice to have a boyfriend, but that means dating and looking for one! Ugh to the infinity power.
– The next chapter of my book, which is going to feature a composer named Morten Lauridsen, and other living composers, but a piece of his is going to be the focal point of the chapter. I have to actually try contacting the guy.
A pink dogwood tree, my favorite! This is in Manhattan. There’s a number of them.
Dating? You are a braver person than I. I’d rather flagellate myself with barbed wire than get back in the dating pool.
Hahahaha. ME TOO. Notice it’s on my list of things I mean to do but haven’t actually done yet.