Titanic 100 Year Anniversary

I only just realized that this year is the 100 year anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. You’d think you’d be hearing a lot about the Titanic and that there’d be tons of events to commemorate the date. I googled it and found almost nothing. There’s a memorial cruise, the National Geographic Museum in Washington is planning an exhibit, they’re releasing the movie Titanic in 3D. Oh! Julian Fellowes (Downton Abbey) is doing a miniseries. That could be good.

I went downtown to the site of the former White Star offices, where the crowds went to learn news of the ship and the survivors. Their offices were at 9 Broadway, which is at the bottom of Broadway, and of New York. It’s very narrow there so I couldn’t get back far enough to get the shot I wanted. It was driving me crazy.

9 Broadway is the one with all the flags out front. I think this might have been the building I was considering as the home for Echo in the 1990’s. I wish I had this thing called … what is it called again? Oh, right. A memory.

9 Broadway, Former White Star Offices

I took this shot from the other side of the park pictured above.

9 Broadway, Former White Star Offices

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “Titanic 100 Year Anniversary

  1. Within the past few years they knocked down the remains of the piers down around 21st St, that had “Cunard Lines” and “White Star Lines” still visible on their entrances. I guess that’s where the Titanic would have moored when she arrived. They were painted in very faded white paint on very rusty steel arches. Now all gone.

  2. And I also assume that the release of the 3D version of Cameron’s “Titanic” was timed to correspond with the centennial.

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