Wish I was Smarter and More Educated

So I could follow this debate about biology and evolution. It begins with a negative review by Richard Dawkins about a new book by Edward Wilson. Skip the review I say—or not, Dawkins is just such a jerk, even if he has a worthwhile point I can always read the same point from someone else. Go right to the comments.

In another direction, look at this gift this father gave his daughter for her graduation. That has to be the best idea of all time for a graduation gift.

I may have told this story before, but when I graduated high school I used the Freedom of Information Act to see all the records in my files. I had a long history of getting into trouble and I expected to see a lot of, “Will end up in jail one day,” or, “I’m just praying for the day she graduates.” I wasn’t a bad kid, but I was an independent, wild kid, and I had to try everything at least once (use your imagination) and question everything, and I went through a bad patch of acting out in junior high.

But inside my records, they praised the very traits they always tried to discourage, ie, “she’s strong-willed, determined.” On the one hand, it was a nice way of saying “she’s a pain in the ass,” but still. What shocked me the most was how many said I was funny and had a good sense of humor. There was a kindness and appreciation there that they almost never showed me in person. I think I was 19 when I read all this and up until then I hadn’t gotten a lot of encouragement from my family or my teachers. Perhaps because I seemed like I didn’t need it. But of course I did, and reading their words had a profound effect on me. The big one being the realization that you can never be sure what people are thinking about you!

Now I have to decide what to do with my day. Take it easy or drum in the parade? My author photo is due tomorrow, so I guess I’ll start with that! I wish I had gotten a better night’s sleep.

I took his coming home from picking up my camera. If this was a movie instead of a still you would hear the booming, pounding music coming from this car. I wonder what that is about, the need to put on such an audio display?

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Wish I was Smarter and More Educated

  1. … I wonder what that is about, the need to put on such an audio display?

    This is the current way males show off their manhood.

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