Things to Read

I haven’t left the apartment and don’t plan to except to go to the roof to watch the fireworks. Instead, I’ve been puttering and catching up and holy shit, you have to read this history of the group Anonymous. I stopped mid-post to read it and was utterly riveted. You may think you don’t care about the subject, but trust me, it’s well worth reading.

I know they have a dark side (don’t we all) but it was exciting to read how at times they morph into an army for good. It reminded me of how scared I was at one point when I was about to take on an NYPD chief. Someone from the Detective’s Endowment Association said, “I don’t know a single detective who won’t stand behind you.” It was amazing feeling. I wasn’t going into battle alone.

I also just read that there might be an unexplored treasure trove of writing from one of my favorite writers, Joseph Mitchell (his New Yorker pieces were put together in a book called Up in the Old Hotel). They seem to be in the control of an unnamed executor. I wonder if this person is doing anything with it? And who is this person?

I took this while cutting through Washington Square Park on my way home. This is Manhattan!

Washington Square Park

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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6 thoughts on “Things to Read

  1. Where is Citizen Reader these days? I miss her reviews and recommendations.

    I just downloaded “The Wild River” from the NC Digital Library. It’s a history of both the Mississippi River and how America developed around it. It’s really interesting; makes me want to go back to the Midwest part and see all those old river towns in Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, etc.

  2. WOW! Thank you!!

    Karen, do you mean The Wicked River? And yeah, Citizen Reader, where are you?? Tell us what to read!!

  3. My other favourite (can one have 2 favourites?) photo of yours is the shot of the Empire State building framed in the window of the NYPL.

  4. I remember that one, thank you!

    Karen, I’ve added it to my long (and ever-growing) to-read list.

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