Hurricane Sandy Got Me

But not as badly as some horribly unlucky people. I am without power, and my company Echo, which hosts my blog, is hosted by a company a few blocks away and they are also without power. They had backup generators that had a problem, but apparently they fixed it.

I’m there now because our other machine didn’t come back up so I’m working with my tech guy to fix it. I have SO much to post about but I have to get back to work.

I took this the day before the hurricane, when some kids were getting trick or treating in. Which was a good thing because Halloween has been postponed here.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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9 thoughts on “Hurricane Sandy Got Me

  1. We’ll all try to wait patiently, but it’s great to hear from you. I forget who posted about being embarrassed for the number of times they checked your blog over the past few days, but you can add me as one of them too. Take care…

  2. Stacy, Glad you’re back! It was very ominous as we followed your live blog and it ended at 8 p.m…..

  3. I checked and checked and checked and checked and checked and FINALLY! you’re back!
    Thinking a lot about so many people in your part of the world who have been touched by so much devastation.

    Looking forward to your stories about the storm.

  4. Good to see your blog back up! And good to hear that you weren’t too seriously affected. Did the cats even notice the storm?

  5. Glad you posted an update. I was also very concerned; I’ve been through a tornado, and had no power for a week, then no internet for TWO weeks! Yikes. Couldn’t even find a place to post an update.

    Hang in there!

  6. Hi Stacy,
    I thought you would do fine in the storm, but am so glad you confirmed it!

    Until now I have merely lurked, and I’ll go back to lurking, but I’ll say it makes it a good day to see your blog back up!

  7. Hi Alicia, thanks for coming out of lurking mode! Everyone thanks for your sympathy. Cara, I keep thinking about you. I have it so much better comparatively. During the day I can walk uptown and find a place to plug in.

    Everyone, seriously, it does my heart SO much good to read your posts and to hear how you kept checking to see if I’d come back.

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