The Newest Gentle Saints and Glorious Heroes

“To sing in a choir is the quickest, surest, and best way to become intimate with music, to get close to the seat of its emotional life, where its heart-throbs can be felt and heard … to hold communion with its gentle saints and glorious heroes.” These are the words of 19th century music critic Henry E. Krehbiel, and he’s speaking about choral composers, but all composers are gentle saints and glorious heroes.

Music reaches a place inside us that cannot be reached with words or in any other way. Composers are the heroes writing the music that reaches that place.

The last time I went to the Aaron Copland School of Music I realized how few female composers I was familiar with. Given how hard it is for new composers to have their work heard, I have to imagine it’s even harder for female composers. So I’m thrilled to be speaking at a Women Composer’s Recital on October 11th at 5 pm at the Aaron Copland School of Music. The concert I went to there before was fabulous.

If you’re going to be in New York on October 11th, please join me to celebrate the work of our newest heroes! Directions here.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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