Lovely Day! Even if I don’t see it the same as all of you!

I took this test for color vision and apparently I am way, way, color blind. I knew I was fuzzy on greens and blues, but I scored a 96. Zero is actually the best in this test, so 96 is like, I wonder what the world looks like to the rest of you.

Along these lines, I love how you can find creative expression everywhere …

Even on the back of a truck. Often on the back of trucks it turns out. For the rest of the day I noticed that the back of trucks are frequently used as someone’s canvas. I like how the rivets look like tears.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Lovely Day! Even if I don’t see it the same as all of you!

  1. That was an interesting test! I scored 11 and am annoyed that I got that many “wrong”. I blame it on doing it too quickly. I know I have very good colour vision from years of comparing art and looking at art. Maybe your score was so high because your computer is off? Anyway, as you say, it’s just a matter of how you see the world. I don’t think anything follows from it.

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