Harmonium Choral Society Composition Contest

I’m sorry I didn’t post about this sooner! What a great contest this is. The deadline is March 3rd, but if you can’t make it in time, this is an annual contest (for New Jersey high school students). Full instructions are here.

Watch this video though. It’s so inspiring how life changing this contest is. And I love love love the piece being sung in the background. It was written by Martin Sedek and it was commissioned for last year’s concert: Alleluia! A New Work is Come on Hand. It’s just beautiful. I want to buy a recording of it.

[Video removed because the link no longer works.]

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “Harmonium Choral Society Composition Contest

  1. Thanks so much for posting this! Just to clarify, it is for NEW JERSEY High School students. We find that we are able to handle that and maybe another choral society should consider it for their area! It is SO great to see the look on the kids faces when their pieces come to life. -Anne

  2. Just a quick correction, I was not the winner of the contest last year, but rather the Composer-In-Residence; this was a commission for this concert!

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