The Frick Museum

My birthday treat on Sunday was a trip to the Frick Museum, which is “pay what you wish” on Sundays between 11am and 1am. I wished to pay a dollar. I have always loved this museum. It’s NYC’s equivalent to Boston’s Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, although can we all admit the Gardner Museum is more fun? The paintings here are astounding. Also, I couldn’t help staring and staring, thinking, “that paint was laid down in the 16th century, and look at the color.” I love Frick and his daughter Helen’s taste (I learned that at least one of my favorite paintings there was acquired by her).

I just realized that I’ve never been to the Frick Art Reference Library, which Helen established in 1920 as a memorial to her father. How is that possible??

It’s a shame how expensive this museum is. I’m looking at their brochure of summer programs and I’d go to practically every one of these except for the cost. Although I can’t really complain. Obviously I can go any Sunday I like.

They won’t let you take pictures anywhere except in the Garden Court, which didn’t inspire me. I didn’t even want to sit there, it felt cold and unnatural. So here’s one shot. But luckily, yesterday was the Puerto Rican Parade, which went right by the Frick. A shot of the parade also follows.


I hope this girl is studying dance. Imagine what a dancer she’ll become as she grows into these arms and legs!


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “The Frick Museum

  1. I have only been to the Frick a couple of times but I remember their collection as stunning. I find it interesting that the Garden Court did not inspire you. Sometimes, it doesn’t matter how much money you have, design doesn’t always work well. Sometimes it is a matter of lack of taste (see: Hurst Castle) and sometimes ego gets in the way (I guess, also see Hurst Castle!)

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