Listening to Podcasts

I’m listening to podcasts that have been recommended to me. First up, the C-Realm Podcast.

“KMO is the host and producer of the C-Realm Podcast and author of the book ‘Conversations on Collapse.’ He recently relocated from the Ecovillage Training Center on the Farm in Summertown, TN to Brooklyn, NY. He describes himself as, “a recovering libertarian and Singularitarian.”

I’m listening to a show about Troy which is making me want to move to Troy. I’m curious to listen to more. I’m going to ask which podcasts they think are among their best.

Next up Hardcore History by Dan Carlin.

Look at how clean my windows are! That’s looking through a window, then out over the air shaft, and through another window into my kitchen. Thank you Apple Window Cleaning! If you’re in New York, their number is (212) 620-0708. They are not paying me to post that, by the way.


Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “Listening to Podcasts

  1. The guys cleaning the windows were so scared they’d break as they were cleaning them!

    I was also sure they’d all come flying apart during Hurricane Sandy, but they held up.

    The problem is, if the landlord replaces all the windows he gets to raise my rent, so I’m putting that off as long as possible.

  2. You know, I think you told me this some time ago! Sorry I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t remember. 😛 🙂

  3. I may not have explained this before! Either way, no need to apologize. I have no long term memory anymore and I forget pretty much everything I am told (or read).

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