Kitten Update

Three cats is a lot. Especially when you’re trying to sleep. This morning it was a non-stop Indianapolis 500 up and down my apartment. Yeah, sure, they’re resting now. A tiny statue I loved is broken. Hours after vacuuming before I went to bed tiny kernels of litter are everywhere. Someone has diarrhea. The smell should dissipate soon. I’m doomed. Except …

Bali, who hasn’t made up his mind if he even likes me, after knocking over the picture of Veets to his right, and biting my iphone cable, just this second came over to purr and head butt me. And almost knock over my coffee.

Bodhi is already a love. He loves to be picked up, he loves me and more importantly, he loves Bleecker. Poor Bleecker has never really had anyone to play with. Finney was already too old. (Sob. I miss you terribly, Finney. If you were here we could curl up together for hours, while the children play.) But now Bleeck has running buddies, and Bodhi might turn out to be a desk cat some day, after he’s finished destroying everything on it.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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5 thoughts on “Kitten Update

  1. That pic of all three cats feets is adorable. BTW, I too have multiple cats from whose many little toes they sprew litter pellets of clay all over the house, plus the amount of dust that they pat up every time they use their boxes. So I switched to re-cycled newspaper pellets from the Pet Smart store. NO DUST! And altho they seem like hard nuggets at first, they are mucho absorbent and I use only about 1/2 cup in each box. Also, I got some of my cats trained to use litter boxes without ay litter at all: Just line each box with newspaper, which you can lift out once or twice a day. But some cats like to dig, so for them I se the newspaper pellets. IN the long run, it’s very economical.

    BTW, since reading your article about swimming, I have joined a health club with a pool and I swim 70 laps in a 25-meter pool 2 – 3 times a week. I really love it. Thank you for making me aware of this wonderful activity. I hope you have time for your marathon swim this Summer of Kittens.

  2. I once had NINE cats! Definitely a crazy cat lady here. BUT, I also had a special large cat sunporch, with access to house via cat door. Most of the cats chose the outdoor porch during the day, coming in at night to be petted. I did lock the cat door to prevent them inside when I went to bed. Still, it was a lot of work, and alas, as they succumbed to old age, I did not replace. I feed feral strays in the neighborhood now, do what I can for them.

    Those kittens are precious, but I am sure the road races at night can be “interesting.”

  3. NINE. (I envy you that period.) . An older cat would probably have been a better idea at my age, but I fell in love. Nothing to be done.

    Also, Bodhi adores Bleecker. It really worked out so well. I was worried.

    Vivan, I’m so glad you’re swimming. 70 laps in fantastic!!

    CR: Ha. But yeah.

    Julia, I’m worried about what it’s going to be like when the kittens are full frown.

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