Thanks for Nothing Old Navy

My phone was stolen from a dressing room at the Old Navy at 18th Street and 6th. I’d forgotten I had it with me or I would have taken it when I left the dressing room to get different sizes. But it was zipped up inside my jacket, so someone really had to go looking for it.

Without accusing anyone, since it was as possible that an employee took it as a shopper I called the corporate offices to see if they could do anything to help me (like ask the manager to at least look into it, talk to his employees). No, basically. They opened a case and gave me a case number, so there was a record that it happened, but they didn’t even take my name or number. I wonder how many thefts have been reported at this store?

I’d already called the police, but I imagine they have more important things to do and better uses of their time. I have renters insurance so I called State Farm to see if its covered, and amazingly it is, but there’s a $500 deductible on my policy so no help there. Also, American Express has purchase protection, but it’s only good for 90 days, and I bought the iphone 98 days ago. I was so close!!

So I’m feeling a little sorry for myself. I have to get out of this glum mood because I’m supposed to speak on a panel tonight.

The glorious magnolia tree in front of Grace Church.

Magnolia Tree, Grace Church, New York City

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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