Day One of Birthday Week

Nails.jpg This is how you can tell. I’m on deadline but what did I do first thing this morning? Take a picture of Finney, and play around with text boxes.

Today is spa day. I may also go see a movie with Howard, or he will panic because he’s on several deadlines and it’s not his birthday week.

I may also work, but if I do it will be fun stuff. Like go through my “to be added” pile. Sometimes I’d finish a chapter, then later find out something really cool about whatever I already finished writing about. I’d put it in my “to be added” pile for later. I really enjoy this part, taking these fun or bizarre or interesting facts and seeing if there’s a place for them.

I’ve got a story about this woman who kept the skeleton of her best friend in her apartment for two years, because her friend had made demands about her burial and she was afraid if she didn’t fulfill them her friend would come back and haunt her. She was holding onto her skeleton until she could satisfy her friend’s wishes. INSANE.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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