Finney is Under the Knife

I discussed the fact that Finney seemed to feel fine with the doctor, but the doctor re-explained and slowly all the things I missed when he tried to tell me yesterday. Pretty much everything that can be wrong with a bladder and a penis are wrong with poor Finney.

Not the least of which is a thing like a rend or bubble that could burst at any moment and send urine into his blood stream which I’m guessing would mean curtains for Finney. So I left him there for surgery.

I will be spending the rest of the day trying not to go crazy with worry.

This is my friend Jim playing one of the pianos that are part of a public art installation by British artist Luke Jerram called Play Me, I’m Yours. I meant visit one of them and take a picture myself, but Liz already got this video of Jim. I love what she says about how everything is a competition here.

[Video removed because the link no longer works.]

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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4 thoughts on “Finney is Under the Knife

  1. Oy to the vey! Sending warm thoughts, lots of luck and purr-y hugs to furry ones…

  2. Finney has a lot of fans out here, and I’m one of them.

    So when you see him, please tell him that a lot of us are not ready to try and do this life without him.

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