No Sleep

Finney caught a mouse last night at around 2am!!

For some reason I hadn’t been able to get to sleep yet. Which was good because had I not been awake I would have slept through Finney killing the poor little guy and then I would have had to deal with the dead body this morning. As it was I was able to save it, catch it and release it.

It was a whole production of trying various containers, some screaming, trying to balance the pot that finally worked, and the pad of paper over the pot, grabbing my glasses, putting them on, opening the door without moving the pad or letting a cat out, getting up to the roof, letting him free, more screaming when he ran straight back to ME, worrying about people wondering why there was a woman screaming on the roof at 2am and calling the police, and needless to say, there was no more sleep for me last night. Maybe an hour at the very end.

But now I have to go to work???

Ugh, ugh, ugh. I need another day off.

I bought reading glasses! I should take a picture, but it will have to be later. I have to feed the birds and get to work. But they are very cute, except I realized, what difference does it make? No one will see them on me because I generally read at home. Oh wait, I read a lot at the library. Okay, not a total waste.

This is another dress I can’t possess from Bleecker Street. Cynthia Rowley, I think.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “No Sleep

  1. Stacy, thanks for that thoroughly enjoyable description of your mouse rescue operation last night. It sure sounds like Finney is doing well! Did the new glasses help with species identification?

  2. I love my new glasses!! I can’t wait to show them off.

    Both cats are indulging in their post dinner lick fest at the moment.

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