My Sex and the City Neighborhood

I took this just a few minutes ago, walking by in front of the Magnolia Bakery, the bakery made famous by Sex and the City. I usually work it so that I’m not on this side on the street, but sometimes the universe isn’t in my side. I have to squeeze through crowds like this to get home.

It kills me when I want to mail letters. People like that guy on the phone are usually on the other side, and I’ll walk up, letters in hand, and say “excuse me!” It always takes them a minute. Then you see the dawn of understanding. “Oh! This is a mailbox! You want to mail something! People still do that!”

It’s funny when that happens, actually.

There’s a big demonstration at the proposed Islamic community center tomorrow. I feel ill at the thought of it, but I don’t think I’ll be able to resist stopping by and taking pictures. I work just a couple of blocks away.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “My Sex and the City Neighborhood

  1. By some warp in the Universe, when I was in NYC last year and staying nearby, I walked by Magnolia and there was not a soul in the place. So I got myself a cupcake.
    I have to be honest, I don’t get what all the fuss is about.

  2. I agree with you, nadine.

    I find it very easy to understand and sympathize with both sides. This is not some complicated point of law. A good professor could stand before a class and demonstrate very good arguments from each point of view. I don’t get how people are not tolerant of each other on this issue. Neither side is speaking out of bad faith.

    Also, I don’t get these knuckleheads screaming at each other. After all, there are no politicians to pressure. Someone with private property can legally do what they wish, and as a consequence protests are anemic and virtually useless. Ordinarily, this would seem to be a problem that could well be resolved through an intelligent compromise of some sort.

    Today, all we do is scream at each other.

  3. Yeah, it’s so depressing.

    Nadine, with all due to respect to my bakery neighbors, I do not like the Magnolia cupcakes. Or anything I’ve tried there. I’m with you.

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