NYC is the Best Place to be Right Now!

I just went out for a walk and came upon a parade. It made me so happy I kept filming them until my camera died. No way I’m not drumming in the parade tomorrow now.

It’s killing me how long it’s taking to upload to YouTube!! (Oh how quickly we take these things for granted. Thank you for existing YouTube. Sorry for the killing me comment.)

UPATE: Christ, that took hours! But here is the video I shot.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “NYC is the Best Place to be Right Now!

  1. Let me guess – they’re parading because New York’s legislature did the right thing and passed the marriage act that allows EVERYONE the right to marry whomever they love, unlike North Carolina who is still out there in the dark ages.

    Kudos to Cuomo.

  2. I’m with you Karen — don’t even ask how nasty, narrow-minded Alabama is about this issue. Heck, our all-republican legislature just sealed the deal on an anti-abortion law that could possibly investigate women who have a miscarriage! Argh!

  3. Christ!

    Yeah, I am loving Cuomo right now. Just read the Times article which outlined the timeline of how this came about. Incredible work on Cuomo’s part. I love his father, I love him.

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