Eldad Hagar and Hope for Paws

I spent an afternoon looking at all of Eldad Hagar’s videos. Here is one to get a taste, but you won’t be able to watch just one. He (with his wife and others) rescue abandoned dogs in Los Angeles and they do with so much heart I had to watch every one of the videos. You’ll be sobbing. The poor, terrified dogs, who by end are happily curled up in his lap and on their way to a new homeā€”it gives me hope. Thank you, Eldad Hagar and friends for all you do.

This is his website with links to his Facebook page and other links.

Although the crews can be annoying, I love how tv shows and movies are always being shot all over the place in Manhattan. They put up these signs on the street to tell (warn) you what is being shot and when.

Here’s another.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

View all posts by Stacy Horn →

2 thoughts on “Eldad Hagar and Hope for Paws

  1. Thanks for introducing us to Hope for Paws. I’ve been checking out some of their videos and their amazing work!

    Hope you’re on the mend and back out and about soon!

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