Okay, yes. Of course I’m very happy.

But I just worked for nineteen hours straight and then only slept for three hours afterwards. I may post later this afternoon, but for now I’m just checking in to say yay! And I will have a lot to say later about working as a poll-worker.

I took this in the middle of last week, when New York was without power and we were all walking around searching for food and a place to charge our computers and phones, and for places to take showers and be warm for a little while. In the midst of all that the tour buses went on.

At first I thought, what the hell? But then I realized, these poor people. They plan vacations, buy tickets for various shows, events, and so on, and they get here and Broadway is shut down, events are cancelled, and many hotels were closed. Their vacations and the money they spent on them went largely down the drain. Then I felt really, really bad for them.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

View all posts by Stacy Horn →

4 thoughts on “Okay, yes. Of course I’m very happy.

  1. Hope you get some well-deserved rest.

    Oh happy, happy day today. I was really, really concerned and worried about the presidential outcome, so relieved when Obama won. I have the new PCIP (pre-existing insurance run by the feds, since Al. would participate) and was scared I’d lose it if Romney won.

    I’ll be anticipating your post about your experience at the polls.

  2. Here in Canada I think most of us were just as excited! It must be such a relief. Hope you have a very good rest and I look forward to reading your election day stories.

  3. Add me to the bunch of happy, happy people. And thank you so much for doing the heavy lifting at the polls so that we can all have our voices heard.

    Unfortunately North Carolina didn’t see the light, but my family in Ohio came through and, of course, you there in New York.

  4. Yes, it is such a relief. I’ve really been enjoying Jon Stewarts shows since the election.

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