It’s a Good Day When Music is in It

I’m sitting here, listening to Christmas music. John Lennon’s So This is Christmas just played, and now Cyndi Lauper’s Early Christmas Morning. All my work for the day is done (I got an early start) so now I can relax.

Morning everyone! The Choral Society of Grace Church has one more holiday concert, this afternoon. More Mozart, Mendelssohn, Muhly, Bruckner and carols are in my immediate future! I messed up the Muhly, but I wasn’t the only one. Still. AND, there’s one part in the Mozart where half the time I just panic, thinking I’m going to mess up, and so of course I do. SCARY PART coming, here it is, brain stops functioning, can’t think, damnit, then I jump back in. That happened last night. Let’s see if I can not do that today.

This is a picture of me with my band Manhattan Samba. I haven’t played with them this year at all. The Halloween Parade, which I never miss, was cancelled. I thought there was supposed to be another announcement about rescheduling, but the effects of Hurricane Sandy were too terrible and too great to even think about parades. I miss you Manhattan Samba!

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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