My Childhood

I have almost no pictures of myself growing up. Most were lost in a basement flood. My cousin Debbie so kindly sent me some pictures she had of me. I’ve never seen these before.

This is my favorite, because it feels so back in time. I’m five years old in this shot, and I believe it was taken at my grandparents home in Jamaica Estates, Queens, New York. Doesn’t it look like a picture out of a storybook? What a privileged upbringing I had.

My first communion! I loved my outfit so much.

I’m thrilled to have this one. Me as a tween! An awkward looking tween, which I guess is normal for the age. This one is special because I’m at a pool. For those who don’t know, I’m very into swimming. Talk about a privileged upbringing. This must have been taken at the Huntington Crescent Club, a country club my family belonged to. My mother later told me that we were struggling financially and my father refused to give up the membership and various bills couldn’t be paid as a result. My father started his own business, which worked out well eventually.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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3 thoughts on “My Childhood

  1. They are all really beautiful, dreamlike photos, aren’t they? Although you don’t look particularly happy in the top one. Hope it was just a serious look.
    Oh, the communion dress, it’s beautiful, but I gotta tell you, I’m never more glad to have sons than when First Communion time rolls around and I don’t have to force them into a dress, tights, and veil. Of course I am expected to force them into a suit but we get around that by, well, not wearing a suit.
    Thanks for posting these! What kind of business did your dad start?

  2. Although I re-read this and I see you loved your Communion dress. I’m so glad. My dress was okay but the veil was itchy and I was super glad to take it off!

  3. Hahaha. I can see how those dresses, the whole outfit may not be for everybody. I felt like a princess though. And yeah, I don’t look happy.

    My father designed cameras and lenses, and I just found this description (below). I remember him working in the basement though, not the garage. The company is still in business, and one of my brothers still works there!

    “Vicon Industries was started in 1967 by Donald M. Horn, an engineer, in a Long Island garage. It went public two years later and in fiscal 1971 (the year ended September 30, 1971) was assembling and marketing a group of products related to the surveillance and security industry in connection with the use of closed-circuit television apparatus.”

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