Today I am Like a Ghost on my Own Blog

I’m working on what I’m told is my absolute final chance for any edits, changes or corrections to my book.

I could tinker with this thing for ever.

I keep finding places where I worry, did I accurately represent what happened?  Or this person?

Worse are the spots where I worry, did I write that or am I quoting someone and forgot to put in the quotation marks??

Then there are the parts where I think, good God you suck as a writer.  And soon the whole world will know.  (Hahaha. Like the whole world will read my book.) Can I fix that?  Or do I suck too much to be able to fix that?

Anyway, I just now realized I’m hungry. So, I’m stopping to eat and maybe I should stop for the day. 

What’s on TV? Anything good?  Saturday night is not famously a good TV night.  It would be if I was running the TV world.

I don’t remember which block this is exactly, somewhere downtown, around Wall Street, in the financial district, in the cavernous area I love so much.  It has the best back-in-time feel down there.  I could live there.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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2 thoughts on “Today I am Like a Ghost on my Own Blog

  1. Man. Most people just don’t understand how hard it is, do they? They think it’s like a light switch that you can just turn on and off again at will. But it’s not.

    I’m sure it will be a great read. STOP panicking. And tinkering. 🙂

    Seriously, NO tweaking!

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